Financial Services Processes

Financial Services Company X is a large financial institution that has been struggling with a lack of efficiency and consistency across their departments. They decided to bring in a process design consultant to help them streamline their processes and improve customer experience.

The consultant conducted a thorough analysis of Financial Services Company X’s processes, which included observing operations, conducting interviews with managers and employees, and reviewing customer feedback. Based on the findings, the consultant identified several areas for improvement, which included the following:


Process Design
Process Improvement




Undisclosed Company

    1. Streamlining account opening and onboarding: The consultant found that the account opening and onboarding process was often time-consuming and frustrating for customers, which led to a lack of satisfaction and lower conversion rates. The consultant recommended that the company streamline their account opening and onboarding process by implementing automated tools and technologies, simplifying forms and documents, and providing clear communication and support to customers throughout the process.
    2. Enhancing risk management and compliance: The consultant identified that Financial Services Company X was not fully utilizing technology to improve their risk management and compliance processes. The consultant recommended that the company implement technology such as automated monitoring and reporting tools, as well as clearer guidelines and procedures, to improve efficiency and reduce risk.
    3. Improving customer service: The consultant identified that customers were not always receiving the best customer service due to factors such as long wait times, unclear communication, and complex processes. The consultant recommended that Financial Services Company X improve their customer service by providing better communication, streamlining processes, and providing clear and concise information to customers.
    4. Optimizing back-office processes: The consultant identified that back-office processes such as data entry, document management, and workflow management were often time-consuming and inefficient. The consultant recommended that Financial Services Company X implement automated tools and technologies to streamline these processes, reduce errors, and improve efficiency.

    The consultant worked with Financial Services Company X to design and implement these changes over a period of six months. The new processes were communicated to all employees through training sessions, policies and procedures manuals, and online resources. The consultant also provided ongoing support to the company to ensure the success of the new processes.

    The results of the process design consulting were impressive. Within six months, Financial Services Company X saw a 15% increase in productivity, a 10% increase in customer satisfaction ratings, and a 20% reduction in errors and risk. The implementation of streamlined account opening and onboarding, enhanced risk management and compliance, improved customer service, and optimized back-office processes helped to improve overall efficiency and consistency across the company’s departments.

“That’s been one of my mantras — focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.”
“I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next.”

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To learn more about how Colarity can help your mid-sized company, startup, or government agency optimize your processes for increased efficiency and profitability, contact us today. We look forward to helping you achieve your business goals.